Sunday, February 23, 2020
Mental Health psychosocial intervention assignment Essay
Mental Health psychosocial intervention assignment - Essay Example The patient stated that he also hears voices that he can control as long as he does not drink and stays on his medications. Patient had stated that he had bouts of depression and has had suicidal ideations. The patient knows that he needs to be compliant with his medications and has been known not to take his medicine. In thinking about new therapies for this patient you as the nurse, doctor or as a therapist should think to include more psychosocial interventions to make him feel comfortable, so that he will want to continue to take his medications and not want to drink that he knows causes his various problems. The caregivers should think about Social training groups, relaxation skills, and various activities that will improve coping skills. When the patient first arrives at the hospital for the coming admission you could ask him if he remembers doing any of this before to see about his level of consciousness. Working with any patients like Gary the caregivers should try to figure what Coping Mechanisms should be used and not used. You will have to identify the problem and set up a goal that will help the patient learn how to deal with his problem or problems. You know that the patient has recurring depression, is an alcoholic, and he says that he hears voices and can at time become violent due to these voices. The caregivers can think of ideas that can give the patient social support and strength so that he will not rely on the voices he hears. You can check into the resources that did not work and find out why he did not use them and then you can try to find new resources that may work. Case Study Gary a 51-year old male with previous admissions, but has decided to discharge himself from the hospital AMA (Against Medical Advice). The patient has a history of Depression due to financial stress and due to this stress he drinks alcohol so much that he suffers from alcoholism. The patient admits to have suicidal ideations and has even taken an overdose of his m edications. This is the reason that is being admitted this time. Due to this overdose due to feeling stress of his financial problems and then he drinks and aggressive issues arise and the patient gets into fights when the patient hears the ‘voices’ in his head telling him to hurt other people. The patient does admit that he can control the ‘voices’ when he is compliant with his medications, but when the patient is intoxicated his mental status decreases and could become violent. The patient does not always seek help in the community due to his past behaviors. Discussion of Psychosocial Interventions A review of psychosocial interventions begins with Erikson and for this patient, Gary, he needs to work on trust versus mistrust. The patient must want and feel trust with the caregivers while in the hospital and then he must feel comfortable in his community when he is discharged from the hospital. The patient must also work on autonomy versus shame and doubt. The patient can do this by wanting to learn about the how and why that his medications must be taken regularly and that he can learn to do this on his own and that he does not have to worry about his financial problems, because he will be given ideas that will help him in the community. The patient feels alone and this brings on depression and then the drinking and all the other problems and if the patient
Monday, February 10, 2020
What Human Resources Topics For Research Paper Topics Should You Use?
What Human Resources Topics For Research Paper Topics Should You Use?Good candidates for a research paper on human resources management topics for research are: Human resource professionals, managers, consultants, professors, managers and even employees. Individuals who hold these jobs are committed to improving the productivity of their organization. For instance, one may need to keep track of all of the different types of employees within the organization. They need to see that employees are doing the best work, what people enjoy working with and which team members need to be made into a team.Researchers are able to use these types of information to evaluate the student's thesis projects. Not only does this provide the student with important feedback about the project, but it can also help with the thesis writing process. Without these types of ideas, students will most likely not be able to present their project to their professors, or will receive lackluster grades.Often, researc h papers on human resources topics for research are written using sources from personal interviews and research papers. As a result, they may contain quotes and anecdotes from different employees in order to prove the thesis of the author. However, it is not uncommon for an individual to try to explain why they have taken the information they have obtained from the source and presented it in a certain way.These methods make it difficult for a reader to judge the quality of the research that has been written on the topic because the thesis and the source were used together as one, making it very difficult to determine what the author is trying to achieve. This can also make it hard for the student to think clearly about how the topic should be presented, especially if they need to present it in a manner that could potentially influence other people's evaluation of the project.If you are writing a research paper on human resources topics for research, then it is essential that you fir st find a way to separate the sources that you have used for the thesis from the sources that you will use for the research paper. For instance, if you have used sources that have some of the same information, you may want to use different information from those sources in order to ensure that the thesis is not influenced by the research papers that you wrote. The result of this separation is that the student's research papers will look more original than if the paper itself was based on the thesis and the sources that you used.In addition to using different sources, it is also essential that you keep the information that you have taken from the sources straight. After all, if the thesis was based on the research that you have used, then it would be easier for the student to prove that the thesis is not affected by the data that you have used. With that being said, it is also important that you write your research papers so that it is easy for the reader to read what you have done a nd why you have done it. For example, if the thesis has been based on the thesis and sources that were used in the research paper, then it is important that the paper is organized to make it easy for the reader to understand what is going on.Knowing that there are many human resources management topics for research that can help a person or student get started, it is important that they find and use the appropriate sources to tell their own story. While there are many good resources out there that will allow a student to research for a thesis, it is also important that they use sources that have been researched by others. Theses will have the advantage of being different from other students will be able to determine what they can do better than anyone else, which will enable them to find ideas that were never thought of before.
Friday, February 7, 2020
Writing Essay Topics About School Safety
Writing Essay Topics About School SafetyGood school safety essays will get you the attention of your teachers and make them want to correct or improve on their essays. If you are an English teacher, for example, you are probably looking for ways to help children who suffer from school-related disabilities or illnesses. Writing your own school safety essay will give you a chance to use your talents in order to help students as well as your students.It is always important that the essay topics about school safety you write should match the skills you have as a teacher. The words that you choose should also work together with your teaching style. You may need to take time to explore the topic of your essay and talk to other teachers in your area, but it will help if you already know what you are talking about.For example, if you teach in a smaller school, then your essay topics about school safety may include student safety issues or child safety issues. These topics may relate to a con cern for security and safety among students as well as among your school employees. Some topics may include making sure your students have the right level of discipline, creating fun learning situations, and making sure that your students do not act inappropriately. You can also talk about making sure that your school does not offer any harmful products and that they are safe for the children and the adults working in the schools.In addition to teaching in a small school, you may want to write a school safety essay for high school students as well. Because they have more responsibilities than a school student at a larger school, you can focus on how to handle school safety concerns that they might encounter. Talk about dealing with students who have a fear of being touched, talking about how to handle common behaviors that can lead to accidents, and avoiding having fights at school.You may even want to write an essay topic about security matters and how to create student-safety lite rature. A school safety essay can also cover safety tips for parents, teachers, and students. For example, when looking at how your students are faring at school, consider talking about the safety tips and the daily schedule that you give to your students. These are topics that you can discuss together and that your students can relate to.Even though your own safety skills may not be as good as someone else's, it is still important to write about the topics of safety. As a teacher, you have to focus on ways to encourage safety among your students. This can include giving them extra lessons on the importance of safety. Not only does this save your time and energy, but it will also help your students become more responsible and self-respecting.So, it is best to think about how you are going to write the essay topics about school safety you want to write. Make sure that you discuss the topic with a teacher or a librarian in order to see what their opinions are on the topic. In doing so , you can find out which type of essay topics about school safety is going to be the most effective for you.
Forensic Computing Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Forensic Computing - Case Study Example This involves data recoveries, retrievals, analysis, and tracing and decrypting of all the data that has been used in any deceitful activity. The word forensic is used in the context of legal argumentation. Forensic computing is also termed as digital forensics and cyber forensics. It is a branch of forensics related to computer and other digital media. It involves collection, preservation and analysis of the data available on the computer. The definition presented by Computer Forensic world: the field primarily involves â€Å"use of analytical and investigative techniques to identify, collect, examine, and preserve evidence /information which is magnetically stored or encoded†(1). In other words, forensic computing deals with retrieval of data, and events reconstruction that was performed over the digital media. The scope of forensic investigation involves audio examinations, signal interpretation, repairing the damaged media. Photogrammetry is another aspect of digital fore nsic tracking that includes measuring and monitoring the physical measures of an image by making use of geometric formulae and then making a comparison based on on-site observations. Several factors come as constraints along with computer forensics and the first being the costs since all the equipment used in these processes is high tech and state of the art, large investments are inducted into it. The second hurdle that could be faced by the forensic body is the approval and acceptance of all the proofs by the court. They must prove it to the court that no information is altered and all the legal responsibilities have been fulfilled while conducting the operations. The staff inducted in digital forensic must be knowledgeable and should be able to think about many possibilities and should have knowledge beyond the books. Potential clues and areas that the forensic team would target DNA samples Voice samples Any image used in the process The network used for performing the task ( usu ally in case of credit card and bank accounts forgery) Fingerprints on the electronic equipments Answering machines recordings Miscellaneous electronic equipment Introduction: The aim of forensic computing is to make online activities secure, stop illegal activities that are going on, identify and apprehend the guilty, avoid financial and personal damages to individuals and organizations that might be incurred by the online use. Standard procedures must be followed and all the evidence brought in front of the court must be in a formal pattern that can stand as evidence. In case of actions, warrants are obtained from the authorities for the areas and houses that are suspected of any wrongdoings. A giant step in the direction of forensic computing was taken in 1984 when the F.B.I Magnetic Media Program was created which was later converted into Computer Analysis and Response Team (C.A.R.T). F.B.I report for the year 2003 reported a total of $900,000 netted through computer crime (2). By 2003 F.B.I (C.A.R.T) were looking into 783 terabytes of data as a case of forensic evidence and cases handling. In 1997 G8 ordered training of individuals for looking into matters related to online counterfeit activities .C.A.R.T provides assistance to F.B.I in tracking e-evidence and accessing the accounts and provides other technical support needed by F.B.I in conducting forensic activities. Part of C.A.R.T job is to monitor live activities that are going online. Their task is to provide monitoring in business environment including the banks and government-owned organizations, insurance companies, personal accounts that contain the people’s private life and their safety concerned, corporate level that includes the annual reports, facts and data and institutes of any region whose data can be misused by any fraudulent activities performed online.  Â
Thursday, February 6, 2020
What the Pros Are Saying About Ss Error in Essay Writing and What This Means For You
What the Pros Are Saying About Ss Error in Essay Writing and What This Means For You The 5-Minute Rule for Ss Error in Essay Writing Graphs and other measuring tools might be used if necessary to supply a real and quantifiable evaluation of the circumstance. It's expected this step will also assist in promoting cashless transaction. It's required to spell out the transitions and progress in a specific practice. Moreover, you may encounter remaining defects in your text or you could invent some trick to enhance the paper. The Key to Successful Ss Error in Essay Writing In any case, parenthetical citation has to be provided. The page ought to be given margins based on the citation style you adopt. Pick up any simple book and learn the simple grammar rules. Cite three or more references, for example, program textbook. The Awful Side of Ss Error in Essay Writing Analysis essays are your very best friends. Proofreading is not so much fun and nobody likes to do it, but it's im perative for a well written essay. Four PPTs and numerous worksheets to permit pupils to compose a persuasive essay. Easy scholarships to acquire no essay. The descriptive paper is also a way to evaluate your communication abilities. All the steps have to be followed or it is probable that the paper will have errors and will get a bad grade. A good example of SWOT analysis is provided below. Students are requested to indicate how a specific sentence may be corrected or improved or the way the organization or development of a paragraph may be strengthened. Ss Error in Essay Writing - the Conspiracy The reader isn't knowledgeable about the environment where the action occurs, or so the phrase an old Land Rover Defender with its headlights on contributes to the reader's image a lot more than simply a vehicle. Writing into the point makes your content seem attractive and aids in fetching marks easily. Moreover, our site blog incorporates free writing tips and tutorials to he lp prospective clients in addition to for students who only require academic guidance. Though spell check is a rather efficient tool there are items that it just does not catch. The Good, the Bad and Ss Error in Essay Writing What's the georgetown application essay. Depending on the theme and main idea of this kind of essay, new requirements might be necessary. This assignment employs a rubric. A thesis statement is necessary for an academic essay. Students form an opinion on a particular topic and compose a persuasive essay to. You also ought to demonstrate the thesis employing the points mentioned in the body portion of the essay. An excellent thesis is easy and specific. There are a lot of ways to compose an essay. The ideal advice in writing a very good essay is to slow down and stick to the guidelines to make sure a good paper. Easy songs to compose essays about. To begin with, read your essay many times. You might take a look at our Essay Outline Template to find the structures that you might use in writing informative essays and other sorts of pieces. On the 1 hand, you may also take a look at our Argumentative Essay templates to help you begin on your position paper. Moreover, you may also take a look at our Essay Outline Templates, which will be able to help you structure your essays. Choose the subject of your essay. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Ss Error in Essay Writing In any case, the author's plot-building ability can make the identical story a great deal more interesting and engaging. This informative article will pay for the common errors of essay writing and a few suggestions to help alleviate those problems. This page is a rather brief introduction to a few of the most frequent mistakes found in English writing. Read winning optimist global essay. Writing an informative essay usually means that a writer has to be in a position to relay certain viewpoints that could be of two opposing sides. Reading example essays works the exact same way! A distinguishing quality of a narrative essay is the fact that it makes a point and attempts to prove it. Essay about two restaurants. Check if you're in a position to finish the paper within the prescribed time limit. There are, naturally, correct and honorable methods of borrowing money. On these days, many can opt to work from the home. As a very first step, make time to meet up with your kid's teacher. If you think your vocabulary isn't very good, to properly explain your ideas. Readability scores aren't perfect and there are several different algorithms to determine readability scores. Spell check is just one of the best inventions ever. Here are a few of the very best. An informative essay may be used for plenty of purposes since there are plenty of things which are happe ning in our everyday lives. Normal exposure to lots and tons of superior writing will naturally enhance the correctness of students' writing. It enables people to be careful of current difficulties. You are certain to receive a valuable feedback.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Unanswered Questions Into When Should You Start Writing Your Common App Essay Exposed
Unanswered Questions Into When Should You Start Writing Your Common App Essay Exposed Your tone doesn't have to be formal. She does some telling there in the previous paragraph! Each paragraph should lay out the principal ideas clearly and show how they interlink with one another. In virtually all circumstances, you ought to avoid writing a conventional opening paragraph. The stream of your ideas and ideas ought to be natural and logic. The reader will choose this up from your initial words. You should definitely take advantage of contractions, which enhance the stream of your essay. I share plenty of strategies for coming up with amazing angles on the topics and supply you with a great deal of case studies and sample structures to receive your creative juices flowing. How to Choose when Should You Start Writing Your Common App Essay School may look like hell, and you might feel like it won't ever end and are always going to be stressed and worried. Instead, you could explore your favourite book or a person that you admire, or you may get inspiration from supplemental essay topics asked by other schools. 1 approach to get started coming up with interesting suggestions for your Common App essay is to take a look at the instructions. Regardless of what topic you select, allow some time for extra editing. Bear in mind this is YOUR story. In general, there's no single correct topic. You don't need to write about a subject that nobody else is writing about, but you need to locate an angle that will enable you to distinguish yourself. If your grades aren't the very best, the Common App essay could be your only opportunity to enhance the situation and convince the college you're a worthy student. Scholarship Essay Examples are supplied for insight on the best way to write a scholarship essay. Writing a college application essay is not simple, these are a few helpful hints and. Writing the Common Application essay is an important portion of the college process in that lots of the colleges where students apply will observe this essay. The purpose of the app essay is to allow them to know why you're an ideal candidate, so imagine how well it needs to be written. Two new essay options are added, and a number of the previous questions are revised. There are a couple of essential things that go into an excellent Common App essay. The ordinary application essay is your private statement. New Ideas Into when Should You Start Writing Your Common App Essay Never Before Revealed In the event the answer is no, then you're not prepared to write. Be aware you do not need to have solved the issue, and a few of the greatest essays will explore problems that should be solved later on. It may be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma anything that's of personal significance, whatever the scale. It may be an intellectual challenge, a research query, an ethical dilemma--anything that's of personal significance, regardless of the scale. Request help even when you're a fantastic proofreadermistakes are a breeze to miss. It's far better organize related information into one paragraph if you're able to. Spell check isn't going to locate all your errors. Save these sorts of documents for the supplemental information part of your college application. Using when Should You Start Writing Your Common App Essay Folks mostly have their initial a couple of drafts finished by now. You don't should do community service to make admission to an elite American universities. Some teachers become swamped with different requests for a recommendation. The teachers you're getting recs from should know you quite well, they ought to be acquainted with your success for a student and as a total individual. Resist the temptation to over-edit. In truth, it can be just the opposite. Admissions officers will want to understand how you got interested in PTSD in the very first location, the character of your obstacle, and the way you figured out a means to overcome it. Consider what your concerns concerning this problem reveal about the type of person that you are or hope to be. It's not essential to write about a few big event or achievement. It's almost always preferable to think small first. Try to remember the scale isn't a factor, it is crucial to concentrate on why it's significant to you. Benefit from your freedom. Up in Arms About when Should You Start Writing Your Common App Essay? Before it is possible to submit your application, you will need t o gather your materials. Plan to select the test so that colleges will get your scores by the deadline. The very first stage of planning is to concentrate on your outline.
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