Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Interaction Between Violence and Distance in Assault - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1070 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2018/12/19 Category Literature Essay Type Book review Level High school Tags: Novel Essay Did you like this example? The novel Assault as written by the Dutch author Harry Mulisch is one of the literally work that effectively portrays a combination of emotions in the manner it is written. The novel narrates a story of a young man named Anton that was living during the Second World War. The effects of the war that was there in the whole world are evident from the beginning of the novel where Anton had to move far away from his home after his two parents were killed. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Interaction Between Violence and Distance in Assault" essay for you Create order The author has managed to bring out a close relationship that exists between violence and emotional distance. Anton is described to be full of strong emotions as a result of the death of his parents that also leaves him homeless and had to live with relatives far away from home. Anton is in a constant struggle with strong emotions after the parents were killed and he moved from their homes. He lived in a bewailing mood for many years yearning to go back home where his family was killed. Seven years later the after the massacre he gets back to their home only to find the find the burned down residence. The main reason that he Anton cannot manage to stay all his life normally without going back to his burned residence is that he felt attached to the bond that existed between in their family before the massacre causing an emotional stir. It is only when he gets back into the burned residence that the events that took place on the fateful day become vivid in him. While he is far from home he does live in denial for all the time. After the opening of the book where Anton watches the death of his parents and killing of the neighbors which subsequently led to the burning of their residence the novel jumped to 1952. The author describes the events that took place over the period not to be very important. Though the novel might not contain much explanation about the life of Anton over the given period there is still a lot that was undergoing in his life emotionally. As he tries to continue living a normal life and he goes to school to become a doctor later on in his life the night of the massacre becomes more vivid as the development took place. The events that he saw become more unbelievable. In cases that a person undergoes emotional trauma just as Anton did it is important that they do accept the situation that took place and moves on and it is only possible if they are not taken very far from the site of the action for him to live in acceptance, When they are taken away, they tend to live in denial and it can affect their emotional whole life negatively. The subsequent episodes that take place involve Anton meeting with different people attached to the killings that took place during the world war. In 1956 they share a moment of an emotional spat with the Fake Ploeg as Anton informs that his father was killed by the group that the father to Ploeg belonged to. Fake is also in denial of the event that had taken place and that is why he seeks for someone to blame in order to comfort his life. Anton, however, does not allow him and gives a correct recount of events that took place. It possibly was hard for Ploeg to accept the death of his father easily without knowing to whom it was supposed to be blamed on. For all the years that they lived in distance with Anton he all along had the wrong information that caused his heart to remain in anger. If only there was no existence of the long distance then they would have shared on the matters concerning the issue and started the journey towards healing emotionally. As the novel continues the author introduces more characters that meet Anton who are most people of his generation. During the meetings, it emerges that there is antagonism that is held in each persons hearts thinking it is their neighbor they are to blame for the massacre of their families. It was hard for each of the people that Anton met in his life to accept that their neighbors were not on the opposite side of the war some even being Nazis supervisors. The separation that took place after the violence made it hard for any reconciliation to take place since each of the survivors went their way without even knowing how their massacred brothers, sisters and parents were buried. It only emerges when it is too late that the neighbors thought that their enemies were next door and had cost them their beloved parents and siblings. The distance that was created emotionally detached the people that were once in unity. The author describes that the greatest challenge that the people faced after the war was the emotional alienation and detachment from their fellow survivors. It was hard for the people described to determine who could be trusted and the one that should be treated with contempt. All the events that unfold however make the issue of guilt and innocence become more vague and hard to comprehend as the blame game ensues. Mulisch managed to show Anton as a character that had great depth of emotions that was characterized by trying to cover up his emotions that were really huge especially after the separation of the people that he loved. The fact that the after the massacre Anton went to live with a people that had not experienced the war it was hard for them to associate with his emotions that were quite sad. If at all he had got a chance to continuously share with the people that they had the same emotional problems then it would have been easy for the continuous healing from the trauma. It was unfortunate for the characters that they had no chance of being together and share on matters affecting them emotionally after the massacre. In conclusion, Mulisch manages to show the emotional effects that people that have gone through a certain war trauma have to undergo and especially if they are separated from each other and from the place of their residence. Anton being the main character suffers greatly emotionally even he undergoes tough times as he also tried to unearth how his parents died.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
A Personal Trainer For Your Fitness - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 995 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/04/22 Category Sports Essay Level High school Tags: Fitness Essay Did you like this example? When was the last time you went out for a jog? Been a while I bet! And I cant even blame you! Im 220 pounds at only 511 and havent lost a single pound since I got into university! Every time I make promises to stick to a routine and get on a diet, I end up doing a U-turn really fast. If youre in the same position I am, maybe what you need to help yourself in a personal trainer. The one, main thing you need to start is jump simply taking the first step. And trust me, a trainer will always make sure youre going through with it. Its easiest to be accountable to yourself because you always let yourself off the hook. But a trainer will always make sure youre doing what youre supposed to, be it waking up early, showing up to the gym, eating right, etc. The first step is always the hardest! And if thats just the start you needed, hold on because theyre going to help you out in a lot of other ways in your process to fitness greatness! Your relationship with your personal traine r isnt a professional one; your trainer will be a lot of things including your workout buddy, your spotter at the gym, your confidant and a source of motivation. Rapport and support from your personal trainer is key to maintaining motivation to stick to your workout routines and diets. As far the technical bits go, with a personal trainer at hand, you dont have to worry about being completely clueless. Theyll be able to equip you with everything you need to know about getting your fitness wheels back on track. Dont know what exercises you need to do and generally clueless about how to use dumbbells? Leave it all on your trainer and in no time, you will graduate from 30 minutes of cardio and 100 pushups to doing all sorts of isolation and compound movements. Okay, it might take a bit longer than ?no time but you catch my drift! Something critical to seeing progress from your workouts and diets is to have practical and attainable targets. What?! You think youll go from all that junk food to a keto diet in the matter of a few days? Oh I wish it was that simple! Progress can be really slow, because metabolism and muscles arent blessing given out fairly to everyone! Having a trainer who understands you situation and sets realistic targets for you to meet is crucial to maintaining your regime. Striking a balance is necessary; you have to understand the kind of goals that are actually attainable and seeing yourself making said progress will go a long way to help you stick to it. But if you were expecting to lose a pound every day and then get disheartened when youre not getting there, it can be very discouraging. Even in these little things, having a trainer to help you out can make the world of a difference between sticking to your regime and going back to your old, unhealthy lifestyle. I cant emphasize enough, the importance of doing exercises properly and how doing the right exercises in the right sequence is vital to progress, as well as keeping you sa fe. Doing the exercises in the right form and maintaining good posture is essential to work your muscles properly as well as keeping you safe. Poor form is the number one route to messing up your bones and joints! Aaaaand who knows just how to get your form perfect? Your trainer of course! Having someone literally hands on with your form will really eliminate any chances of you messing up your back of breaking a rib or two trying to lift too heavy! As trivial routines, on the other hand, might seem, doing them incorrectly is also a fine recipe for some back-breaking disaster! Using a personal anecdote, I spent a while working out at home with dumbbells because I didnt have time to go to the gym (yes, yes, an age old excuse!) and because I kept doing the same back exercise in variations, I ended up with back pain that needed a visit to a physiotherapist. Ive been singing praises for them all this while but taking a step back, its important that you make sure you can actually affo rd one. Good personal trainers arent exactly cheap! And the longer you require their services, the more they will charge you and the bigger hole itll burn in your wallet. Secondly, if you already have an idea of the exercises and how to do them, you will probably be alright without a trainer; a gym buddy will do for you! Also, it might be worth noting that there are lots of people at the gym who tout themselves as trainers. Beware! Actual trainers have studied on the sciences of fitness and weight training and in addition to their experiences, they have a depth of knowledge to back up their diet and exercise recommendations. Therefore, before you go spending money on a trainer, actually do some vetting and find someone qualified to help you embark on the journey to fitness and helps you build a lifestyle around it. Like a lot of questions in life, the answer to this is very subjective. It depends on what you want to attain, how hard youre willing to work for it, whether you have some money to spare that you can allocate to enhance your journey to fitness greatness and moreover, whether you even need one at all! If youre really serious about it and have aspirations being a model or a serious level bodybuilder, youll probably be rewarded with a smart investment in a personal trainer. For others, if its too much to have someone making you workout and forcing you to eat things against your wishes, just going out for a jog is a start. Find some motivation and get off your sofa already! Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "A Personal Trainer For Your Fitness" essay for you Create order
Friday, May 15, 2020
The Three Estates and Grievances Essay - 668 Words
Before the French Revolution, there were three estates, or classes: the nobility, the clergy and the commoners. The nobility and the clergy had many more privileges than the third estate and that is what caused the French Revolution. The Third estate was composed of the peasants, the workers and the bourgeoisie; unlike the other segments of the Third Estate, the bourgeoisie was able to communicate its grievances to the public during the period after the French Revolution: 1789-1799. The peasants in the French Revolution had many un-communicated complaints. The peasants felt they were being taxed too heavily. This was true because the government could not tax the clergy or the nobility, and they needed money. As a result, they raised†¦show more content†¦They were not represented, however. The monarch and the army was able to repress the outbursts from the urban working class and they did not have any success. The Bourgeoisie was different from the other two groups in their success. They understood the excessive taxation was only for the third estate and the other two did not get taxed at al.. They also knew they did not have fair representation in the government. Even though they were richer than the rest of the Third Estate, they wanted to have equal representation. The monarch gave them double representation but that was also unfair and ineffective. In the end, they overthrew the government and came up with their own government. Initially, they received representation through the Estates-General. However, this was not enough for them either because the monarch had control over their meetings. They then formed the National Constituents Assembly and formed the Tennis Court Oath. This eventually led them to making the Declaration of the Rights of Man. They finally gained the equality they had been striving for and they could not be suppressed. They eventually led to the Directory and they had all of the issues they were concerned with addressed. They received the most exposure because they were the most intelligent of the Third Estate and they were able to take control of the government. During the French revolution, all three groups had grievances that remained unaddressed and ignored by the restShow MoreRelatedSummarize and compare and contrast the English Bill of Rights, the Cahier of the 3rd Estate and Common Sense.1484 Words  | 6 PagesThe English Bill of Rights, the Cahier of the Third Estate of the City of Paris and Common Sense were all written during a time of revolution in their respective countries. Although all three political writings originated in a different country, they each share several important similarities. Each document also addressed specific issues, which the others did not. The English Bill of Rights, the Cahier of the Third Estate of the City of Paris and Common Sense all served as a bridge between their countriesRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution Of The Bastille1221 Words  | 5 PagesFrench Revolution? Many elements of France’s infrastructure were created to suppress the qualms of the people. However, the ma jor influences that caused the French Revolution were the new ideas of the enlightened thinkers, powerlessness of the Third Estate, and famine crises. Without these factors within French society, a governmental collapse may not have occurred. Firstly, the French Revolution came directly after the American Revolution. On the foundations of â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit ofRead MoreFrench Revolution : The Main Effect Of Enlightenment Ideas Emergence Or Social Economic Disruption? Essay1670 Words  | 7 Pagescreditor (Perry et al. 2013, p. 458) and the French Kingdom abused the levy of taxes by picking up three different kinds of fine, which were taille, capitation and vingtià ¨mes (Young Travels ex. 4). Actually, these fines applied to all estates, but most of the clergy and nobility did not pay it (Young Travels ex. 4). Therefore, the taxes were obviously unfair because it implemented to the Third Estate without noticing other class groups. Overall, the industrial development in other countries promptedRead MoreThe French Revolution Of The Middle Ages Era Essay1578 Words  | 7 Pagesand economic conditions that always change under any circumstances immediately affect French Revolution. According to Adcock (2014, p. 23), ordinary citizens were directly concerned about society. In other words, society who usually known as Third Estate gave so much attention towards social and economic condition to achieve a better life. This statement was also legitimized by â€Å"[w]e wish to substitute in our country †¦ all the virtues and miracles of the republic for all the vices and absurditiesRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1321 Words  | 6 Pagesby the enlighten idea. Before the revolution, there was three estates the first estate was the clergy, Second the aristocrats and third the commoners. The commoners were the normal, or you could say the hard working common people. The clergy were mostly religious people, like priests and were protected by the nobility, they were rich and had a lot of privileges, some of the privileges that the first and second estate had over the third estate was the exempt to pay any taxes, but the commoners hadRead MoreCauses of the French Re volution Essay1464 Words  | 6 Pagesthings, before the Revolution, and it divided French society up into three ``estates: the nobles, the clergy, and the common people (ie. everyone else, which included both peasants and the middle classes). The first and second estates were privileged in that they paid no tax at all, and for this reason, the monarch did not have a problem with their support: they were, in effect, propping up the Ancien Rà ©gime. The first and second estates also owned the larger proportion of land: although there were onlyRead MoreCauses Of The French Revolution906 Words  | 4 Pagesmaking up 97% of the population, were known as the third estate. The original purpose of the revolution was to create a constitutional monarchy, but this idea quickly became lost in the radical ideas of the revolution. However, the revolution, despite best efforts, failed. France once again had a complete monarchy. Many factors contributed in causing the unrest, and ultimately full blown revolution among the people of France. But, arguably, the three main causes of the French Revolution were national debtRead MoreWhat Caused The French Revolution?917 Words  | 4 PagesWhat caused the French Revolution? Many things contributed to it evolving. But only three were the most important. The influence dates back all the way to the Age of Enlightenment, the ideas definitely had an effect on the French citizens. The American Revolution ties with the Enlightenment as well. The political inequality of the three estates played a huge part in the disruption. In addition to that, the Economic inequality also influenced France. The French Revolution is a big and memorable partRead MoreNatural Law- Rules Discoverable By Reason, Govern Scientific958 Words  | 4 Pagescare for the sick and used the property to support those that were. George III- English monarch at the time of the revolution. He was the main opposition for the colonies due to his stubborn attitude and unwillingness to hear out colonial requests/grievances. Stamp Act- A tax that the British Parliament placed on newspapers and official documents sold in the American Colonies George Washington- A Virginia planter and soldier. He was the 1st President of the United States; commander-in-chief of the ContinentalRead MoreThe French Revolution And The Revolution1223 Words  | 5 PagesLouis XVI, causing people to want change by implying new Enlightenment ideas. The revolution in France broke out in 1789 do to social, economical, and political issues including the growth of bourgeoisies, taxes were paid unevenly throughout the three Estates of France, and the Third Estate’s desire for a representative government. One of the many social issues that led to the French revolution was the growth of bourgeoisies in France. Bourgeoisies were middle class workers who were able to read and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Paul Baumer Character Analysis, All Quiet on The Western...
Paul Baumer Paper World War I was one of the bloodiest wars with over 31 million deaths, wounded, and missing people. It took place from 1914- 1919 against the Allies and the Central powers. One of the greatest books that show the truth of the war is _All Quiet on the Western Front_. The main character in the novel, Paul, is a German soldier who is only19 years old when he volunteers. Paul is a hopeless, brave, caring soldier who is still trying to figure out who he is. Through out the novel Paul shows that he is a caring soldier. He shows how caring he is when Kat was shot in the leg while bringing food and Paul being the caring person risked his own life to save his goof friend Kat. This shows Paul is caring because if Paul had not†¦show more content†¦He shows a lot of bravery throughout and he shows more bravery as the story enfolds. His braveness is showed near the end of the book when he is trying to save Kat. He is being brave at this part because by trying to save his friend he was risking his own life at the same time. When he is saving him, he says: I jump up eager to help him, I take him up and start off at a run, a slow steady pace, so as not toShow MoreRelatedThe, All Quiet On The Western Front1458 Words  | 6 PagesOn January 29, 1929, just 10 years, 2 months, 18 days after the Great War, All Quiet on the Western Front, was published and it’s author was of a scarred man by the name of Erich Maria Remarque, who serv ed in the German army during the first World War. The bloodied, bombed, and distraught landscape painted by Remarque was one only a veteran of conflict can picture because of his experiences as a plain and insignificant infantryman wrought by the plague of the Second Horseman, the Red Horseman ofRead MoreThe Guns Of August And All Quiet On The Western Front1633 Words  | 7 Pagesthe countries involved were unprepared for one of the worst wars in history. Two books, The Guns of August and All Quiet on the Western Front address and highlight major themes of World War I. The books offer insight to the political and military strategies of France, England, and Germany during the first month of the war, as well as the emotions of a German soldier on the Western Front in the final days leading up to the German Armistice. Each book uniquely describes an aspect of war and createsRead MoreAll Quiet On The Western Front2085 Words  | 9 PagesThis essay will consider the different effec ts created by Erich Maria Remarque in his novel All Quiet on the Western Front. As a writer, Remarque unknowingly left his novel open to readers with completely different perspectives, and to various forms of criticism. This undoubtedly meant that every single reader had been affected by the novel in many different ways which unfortunately for Remarque may have been an effect that he never intended. This essay is divided into 5 main sections. Firstly itRead MoreThe Boys Attitude to War in All Quiet on the Western Front Essay3195 Words  | 13 PagesCompare ‘Gallipoli and ‘All Quiet on the Western Front in terms of the:  · Boys attitude to war  · Reasons for enlistment  · Experiences on the front How do these change their attitude to war? What does this tell you about the similarities and differences the Australians and Germans experiences? Analysis of Major Characters Paul Bà ¤umer As the novels narrator and protagonist, Paul is the central figure in All Quiet on the Western Front and serves as the mouthpiece for Remarques meditations
Analysis Of Morisons Online Retail Platform And The...
I. Introduction Morrisons has one of the largest chains of supermarkets in the UK. It is the fourth largest retail chain in the country with headquarters in Bradford-England. William Morrison founded the company in 1899, thus giving it the abbreviation Wm. The company had a dominant presence in northern England before 2004. However, the Safeway takeover increased the company’s presence in parts of South East England, Scotland as well as Wales. The company has grown the number of its superstores to over 530, with a further 120 M local stores in Wales, Scotland and England. Morrisons runs an online retail store for its customers and offers home delivery services for groceries around the UK. This report offers an analysis of Morisons’ online†¦show more content†¦In many megastores and supermarkets around the UK, it is common for customers to circle around in search of parking spots before going for shopping. Home delivery services save customers discouraging inconveniences. In fact, before getting to the supermarkets, customers usually have fought their way through the busy traffic, just to come and miss parking space. Home delivery services offered by Morrisons eliminate the need for customers to make long ques at the billing counter during the rush hours of the day. Additionally, shoppers do not have to struggle loading their weekly grocery supplies into their car, especially for customers with limited physical ability such as the elderly, expectant women and the physically challenged. By letting shoppers avoid the heavy traffic to and from the grocery stores, Morrison customers are able to save a lot of time through the home delivery services that the company offers. For many shoppers, time and convenience is just as important as being able to save money when purchasing groceries. People have various tasks that they perform during the day, for example housework, picking up children from school and attending meetings. Therefore, offering a service that saves them from going physically to supermarkets is a big plus for Morrisons customers. Online grocery services provide a rescue for busy parents and couples. Another advantage of online
I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics Essay Example For Students
I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics Essay Graduate Admissions Essays I Am Attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics Essay Excited by the idea of becoming a scientist since I was a small child, my interests in pursuing graduate studies intensified during my undergraduate education and my research experience. Rather than discouraging me with the tremendous amount of work and demands for creativity, my college years motivated me to earn a Ph.D. and to continue pursuing a career as a research scientist. Although my exact research goals have yet to be refined, my interests include studying the genetic basis of disease and the genetic mechanisms that govern various cellular processes, such as the cell cycle, apoptosis, and tumor formation. Although I entered college without a clear research direction, the Biotechnology Program at Rochester Institute of Technology helped develop my interest in the field of Genetics. I found much of my laboratory training at RIT to be extremely rewarding. For example, one experience that early on convinced me to seriously consider genetics was a project involving the construction and characterization of a recombinant plasmid. Since I worked independently for the most part, the project played a key role in increasing my confidence and helping me to understand various concepts pertaining to genetic analysis. It was this experience that motivated me to seek a position as a teacher s assistant for a course in Microbial and Viral Genetics. As a TA, I learned how demanding the teaching situation is and how much teaching a course can contribute to my own learning. By this time, after discovering my passion for research and the joy of teaching, I began to seriously contemplate graduate schools. To excel in graduate school, I decided I would not limit my experience to my formal education at RIT. Instead, I wanted the opportunity to explore my career options to make a well-informed decision as to the area of my future research. With these goals in mind, I chose to take advantage of RIT s Cooperative Education Program, which meant earning my Bachelor s degree in five years instead of four. In December of 1997,Astra Arcus USA Pharmaceuticals hired me as a research assistant in the Electrophysiology department. At Astra, I learned research techniques not taught by RIT. For the past year, I have been working with a subset of neuronal glutamate receptors via voltage clamping on Xenopus oocytes. The research of our lab is geared toward the study of central nervous system diseases. Working with Astra and earning an education in biotechnology from RIT sparked my interest in learning more about the genetic basis of disease. On a personal level, I ve gained quite a bit from my cooperative experience. Confident in my ability to adapt to new environments and learn techniques that I have never encountered, I have also learned a great deal about the nature of private-sector research and the lifestyle of the researchers. Familiar with the amount of dedication and hard work essential to project advancement, I am more focused on my goal of becoming an excellent researcher than I ever have been. No stranger to the frustration and disappointment inherent in research work, I am spurred on by the thrill of discovery. I find a great deal of enjoyment working in research and plan to stay at Astra through the summer of 2005. I feel that my course work as a Biotechnology major at RIT and my research experience at Astra have adequately prepared me for graduate study. Eager to continue my education and improve upon my weaknesses, I am particularly interested in becoming more familiar with emerging technologies relating to genetics and in gaining more exposure in working with eukaryotic genomes. Most importantly, I want to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to design and perform research according to my interests in genetics and disease. .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .postImageUrl , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:hover , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:visited , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:active { border:0!important; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:active , .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742 .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u47d79c1c63af9afcf0951fccb50dd742:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Political Supreme Court EssayWith these broad interests and specific goals, I am very attracted to the Graduate Program in Genetics at Duke University. With great flexibility in choosing a degree, the program would suit me well. At Duke, I would welcome the opportunity to explore my interests in Cell Biology, Neurobiology, Pharmacology, and Cancer Biology. .
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Culture of the Poetics of Luxury Architecture and the Urban Context
Question: Discuss about theCulture of the Poetics of Luxury for Architecture and the Urban Context. Answer: Introduction: Human being is a rational animal endowed with immense creativity thus live in a constructed world with a lot luxurious towns and cities. However, people get familiar with such towns and cities to a point of not noticing the beauty and creativity involved in constructing and designing the luxurious buildings in those towns and cities. Ruskin, John argues that fundamentally human nature has an innate desire for a dwelling place. Thus man has been compelled by this desire to build his residence hence fulfilling one of his basic needs[1]. To ensure a comfortable dwelling man applies the available knowledge in constructing his dwelling place and therefore, architecture has a significant role to play in creating men's comfort. Architecture is thus unique due to its application of the sensory perception. Ambasz, Emilio confirms that sensory perception takes on board various elements which include transparency, light, and shadow that make a building comfortable, enjoyable, and convenient for man to dwell in. Emilio in his book The Museum of Modern Art affirms that architecture has a fundamental role in expressing the poetics of its constructions. That is, it has to express its way of thinking to allow human being to appreciate its value in creating luxury for man. Therefore, this literature review aims at distilling the question of the culture of the poetics of luxury within architecture in the urban context. In addition, it will address what is sustainable within such context with the main focus being on how and why. Moneo, Jos , argues that poetics of luxury within architecture forms expression in which people express their identity, emotions, thoughts, and feelings through an application of the poetic expressions or a poetry method. Various architectural researchers affirm that definition of poetry in architecture is faced with ambiguity due to different approaches[2]. Ambasz, Emilio view poetry in architecture as an attempt to logically understand the architecture where it is thought purely from a linguistic perspective and expressed through different aspects such as shadow, light, and transparency as well as in texture, color, material and all the other elements involved in completing the architectural experience. On the other hand, Twombly, Robert C., and Narciso G. Menocal thought poetry as the vision of the architecture. In their view poetry express the unique work of the architecture which involves the amalgamation of aspects such as material, volume, color, and light to give a man the mo st desired comfort[3]. In addition, Kenneth, Frampton view poetry in architecture a simple way of expressing the intense architectural thinking while using elements such as repetition, material, structure, mass, landscape, lighting, containment, ritual, essence, order, and volume. Further, he sums poetry as the meditation of the lavish thinking of an architect and thus evident that man can in an explicit manner understand the beauty of the architecture through poetic expression[4]. Jos Rafael points out that poetry is important in the architecture in the sense that it creates symbolism that makes building communicate. Architecture being a distinct discipline has it language distinct from that of poetry. Architecture language is entirely a visual language with each detail in given building communicating to different people in a unique way. Different from the poetry where symbols are illustrated by use of words, architectural symbols are illustrated by use of visual images. In architecture, symbols derive meaning from either experience or how the symbols are encountered y the people around them. On the other hand, poetry enjoys a wide interpretation of its symbols due to the various images words can imply. It is vital to note that the visual language of the architecture is inflexible and powerful and thus can communicate effectively compared poetry language hence crafting of the phrase a "picture is worth a thousand words". Architecture just like in poetry applie s a specific structure which is divided into various components to support the entire system. However, for a structure to work efficiently, it must be tuned in a specific rhythm. Equally, architecture has it unique structures and systems such as beams, posts, masonry, and truss that are applied to give rhythm to a building. Annette Condello reaffirms that rhythm in the architecture is to be understood as the regular patterns which result from created lines, colors as well as forms of a given art work. In architecture, rhythm is achieved through application of ratios in designing of the building as well as proper application of the geometry. Poetry is thus linked intrinsically to architecture[5]. Architecture, however, has the inherent feature of luxury that renders it unique in comparison to other forms of human art. However, this characteristic loses meaning when clouded with the wrong perception of what is luxurious. Since antiquity, various schools have emerged to analyze the luxury concept. One school of thought led by Annette Condello search for the meaning of the luxury concept from the ancient times to the modern day. In his search, Annette identifies six historical types of poetics of luxury in the architecture which include; Sybaritic, Lucullan, Architectural excess, Rustic, Neo-European, and t he Modern; the arrangement is in a chronological order[6]. In his book, The Architecture of Luxury Condello demonstrates how the concept of luxury has metamorphosed from the ancient understanding of luxury as enjoying things which are beyond the necessary to the modern understanding of impressive, expensive skyscrapers found in urban areas today. An example of the luxurious modern building is such as Conrad continental which was designed by the Phillip Johnson who is a Pritzker Architect. The Conrad continental demonstrates perfect refinement and luxuriousness; the continental integrate the international flavor, local art, business, and fashion perfectly to produce a prototype poetic of luxury[7]. The Ballroom of the Continental is designed to manifest Italian chandeliers with elevated ceilings. To maintain the rhythm of the design Johnson utilized modern materials such as steel and glass with an aim of affirming the structure of the building as well as its function. To communicate effectively to the local community the Continental has over 3,400 local art scenes. Additionally, the building contains various icons and symbols that manifest Eastern cultures. In addition, another building designed by Pritzker-winning architect includes the UC Innovation Centre in Chile the building is designed by Alejandro Aravena. In designing the building, Aravena demonstrates adequate understanding of poetry of luxury through designing buildings that respond to the climate[8]. In his designs, Alejandro considers the economic welfare of the less fortunate, the effects of natural calamities, energy conservation, and comfort. The urban development area is marked by complexity due to the challenge of achieving sustainable urban areas. To address the question of sustainability especially in the context of poetics of luxury it calls for a reflection beyond sustainable buildings in the urban areas. Though within the context of the poetic of luxury sustainable buildings remains a sustainable phenomenon. To ensure sustainable buildings, however, demand strategies such as ensuring that the urban areas remain compact as well as ensuring a clear distinction is maintained between the urban and the rural[9]. Similarly, every urban center must ensure proper public transport as well as walkable surroundings. In addition, adequate housi ng and sustainable housing strategies must be adopted in within the urban centers. It is vital to ensure that different housing options are availed such as co-housing, accessory dwelling units as well as housing over shops[10]. The stable transportation system is an essential part of ensuring sustainable building. It entails comfortable, reliable, and fast public transportation system which combines means such as rail, bus or tram. To be considered by the urban planners also include the pedestrians, as well as the bicycle users within the urban centers. Another important factor to consider is the natural ecosystem. The sustainable building must co-exist with sustainable ecosystem hence the urban residents and the planners have a responsibility to protect and sustain the natural habitats[11]. Similarly, every urban center must innovate a way recycling the waste to ensure it is transformed into a resource. In addition, urban areas must ensure sufficient energy conservation and use of renewable energy. To facilitate energy conservation, therefore, means adoption of sustainable construction strategies which preserves the urban ecological system. It is clear that the implementation of such strategies by city pla nners and the residents demand investment by the government as well as policies that will enhance sustainability. Ensuring sustainable building and proper implementation of the strategies is essential because failure to ensure implementation of such ideas positions the urban residents to dubious and a difficult future. In conclusion, architecture is a form of art that respond to the historical, cultural and social phenomenon within a given context. Furthermore, it is also express deep personal sentiments just as poetry does. Similar to poetry architecture evoke emotions as well as deep cultural thoughts on specific aspects which are communicated by a given architectural work[12]. Architecture, therefore, can create wonders while revealing great innovation. Adequate understanding of construction, materials and the essence of poetry, as well as the power of architecture to communicate at various levels, make it a unique discipline. Bibliography Ambasz, Emilio. Architecture. The Museum of Modern Art. London: Oxford Publishing company,1989. Beatley, Timothy. Green Urbanism: Learning from European Cities. London: Island Press, 2012. Burgess, Rod, and Mike Jenks, eds. Compact cities: sustainable urban forms for developing countries. NewYork: Routledge, 2002. Condello, Annette. The Architecture of Luxury. NewYork: Routledge, 2016. Katz, Peter, Vincent Joseph Scully, and Todd W. Bressi. The new Urbanism: Toward an architecture of community. Vol. 10. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Kenneth, Frampton. Modern Architecture. A Critical History. London: Oxford press,1992. Loukaitou-Sideris, Anastasia, and Tridib Banerjee. Urban design Downtown: Poetics and politicsof form. California: University of California Press, 1998. Moneo, Jos Rafael. 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