
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Breed Specific Legislation

INTRODUCTION Capture Attention Last week this patch attacked and wounded another gentleman at Mt. Scott Park, here in Portland, OR. Because of his actions I need all of the students with facial cop, dark shirts, tattoos and long diddly-shit to stand up. Effective immediately, all of you will be detained by local authorities because you substantiate been deemed a threat to the safety of our community and the citizens who wait here. Signifi sufferce/Relevance stress Specific principle is not a new way to manage aggressive hounds.These changes in laws tend to drop dead after a highly publicized hound attack takes place. This face of legislation punishes the breed, not the deed. Credibility As a hot hot dog possessor who spends everyday of his life with a breed of dog often institute on breed ban lists, researching BSL is as much a go away of my life as my dog, Lucky. Thesis cut through Specific legislating aims to life citizens safe by punishing innocent and guilt y dogs alike. Preview Today, Im going to sh be some information on what brood Specific economy is, how it affects dogs and dog possessors. The greatness of a nation and its incorrupt progress jakes be judged by the way in which its animals argon inured Gandhi BODY I. What is Breed Specific principle? A. Breed-specific legislation is the proscription or re terribleion of the ownership of a dog solely set on the dogs breed regardless of the dogs personal history or temperament. i. BSL has been or so for years, but according to www. dogsbite. org in the last decade over 650 U. S. cities view as enacted BSL as a preventative measure to reduce dog attacks and bites to nurse citizens. B. Breed-specific legislation is found on the premise that certain breeds be inherently dangerous and that public safety can be accomplished by prohibition or re moroseing only those dogs. C. Currently, BSL focuses not on a specific breed, but rather a case of dog. That type, as closely of you k in a flash, is referred to as the pit- grunter. The term pit mark generally refers to a Staffordshire slovenshit terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, American pit forge terrier, or any dog that is a cross or mix of the aforementioned breeds.A pit bull may also mean any dog that has the appearance and natural characteristics that atomic number 18 substantially similar to the above listed breeds. Therefore, pit bull is a type of dog not a breed. Breed Specific Legislation exists, this is a fact. Facts create norms, but truth creates illumination. II. How it affects dogs A. Breed specific laws cross and punish all dogs of a neighborhoodicular breed (the guilty ones as tumesce as the innocent). Well-behaved dogs of that particular breed are seen, classified, and treated the akin as the dogs that have in fact bitten or attacked individuals. i.According to an condition run in the October edition (2009) of the Westword, a local publication in Denver, in 2006 after a o ne-year moratorium Denver began to again inflict the pit bull ban in 2005, causing a 77 percent increase in the number of dogs impounded in Pit poop Row. City records show that between 2005 and 2006,1,454 pit bulls were put down, leading to the astronomical pile-ups of dead dogs. ii. Unfortunately, many of these dogs were deemed pit bulls solely because the animal control officer, aegis worker, dog trainer, politician, dog owner, police officer or newspaper says they are. B.BSL doesnt ack straightawayledge the fact that a dog of any breed can be dangerous. Furthermore, opponents of BSL have pointed out that those in charge of law obligement do not always accurately identify breeds, and that the imposition of penalties on dogs but as a result of breed identification can be unjust and arbitrary. i. In July of this year, after a nearly 2-year legal dispute between the City Council of Belfast, Northern Ireland and dog owner Caroline Barnes, her American blurdog / Labrador mix, Lennox, was euthanized for resembling a pit bull, which pose a threat to society. ii. As stated on latimes. om, The Belfast City Council declared Lennox had a implike personality disorder, but his owners, the Barnes family, said he was a healthy-handled American bulldog-Labrador cross. after measuring his legs and snout, dog wardens declared Lennox a possible pit bull type and in 2010 seized him under the UKs dangerous dog act. Dogs are only as good or bad as their owners III. How it affects owners A. forbidding a specific breed punishes responsible dog owners who have well trained dogs of that breed, while irresponsible owners who seek a dangerous dog as a status symbol will exactly consume a different breed. . According to the AKC, this often leads to increased costs to the community, as many owners abandon their household pets at local nurses because they are no longer permitted to own them, or are unable to comply with the strict regulations imposed on them. ii. In many cases, the owner must opt between relocating to a different town or getting unloosen of their dog. Many of these dogs end up being housed and/or euthanized at the shelters at the taxpayers expense. iii. As reported in Canadas weekly newspaper, Macleans (2004), Experts in canine control and behavior have all said the same thing.Breed-specific bans are reactionary and ineffectual because they dont address the root of the problem unfit owners. According to Dr. Gary Landsberg, a Thornhill, Ont. , veterinarian and p lodge innt of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, hoi polloi who want to breed and/or own vicious dogs will simply turn to other breeds. It only takes one rotten apple to cross the whole bunch CONCLUSION Summary Statement So now you have a general idea of what Breed Specific Legislation is. Dog attacks and bites are real problems for communities and need to be addressed.Being informed on how BSL affects both dog & owner, innocent and guilty alike, has ho pefully provided you with a first appearance for further exploration. Concluding Remarks Is Breed Specific Legislation the right settle to reenforcement communities safe from aggressive dogs? I honestly dont know. But in closing I will say this. If those of you that resembled this man were actually detained, based solely on similar appearance, would your partners, families & friends accept it as a way to keep our community safe? You be the judge.Breed Specific LegislationINTRODUCTION Capture Attention Last week this man attacked and wounded another man at Mt. Scott Park, here in Portland, OR. Because of his actions I need all of the students with facial hair, dark shirts, tattoos and long hair to stand up. Effective immediately, all of you will be detained by local authorities because you have been deemed a threat to the safety of our community and the citizens who reside here. Significance/Relevance Breed Specific Legislation is not a new way to manage aggressive dogs.These chan ges in laws tend to fall after a highly publicized dog attack takes place. This type of legislation punishes the breed, not the deed. Credibility As a dog owner who spends everyday of his life with a breed of dog often found on breed ban lists, researching BSL is as much a part of my life as my dog, Lucky. Thesis Breed Specific Legislation aims to keep citizens safe by punishing innocent and guilty dogs alike. Preview Today, Im going to share some information on what Breed Specific Legislation is, how it affects dogs and dog owners. The greatness of a nation and its honourable progress can be judged by the way in which its animals are treated Gandhi BODY I. What is Breed Specific Legislation? A. Breed-specific legislation is the banning or restriction of the ownership of a dog solely based on the dogs breed regardless of the dogs personal history or temperament. i. BSL has been close to for years, but according to www. dogsbite. org in the last decade over 650 U. S. cities have enacted BSL as a preventative measure to reduce dog attacks and bites to treasure citizens. B. Breed-specific legislation is based on the premise that certain breeds are inherently dangerous and that public safety can be accomplished by banning or restricting only those dogs. C. Currently, BSL focuses not on a specific breed, but rather a type of dog. That type, as nigh of you know, is referred to as the pit-bull. The term pit bull generally refers to a Staffordshire bull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, American pit bull terrier, or any dog that is a cross or mix of the aforementioned breeds.A pit bull may also mean any dog that has the appearance and physiologic characteristics that are substantially similar to the above listed breeds. Therefore, pit bull is a type of dog not a breed. Breed Specific Legislation exists, this is a fact. Facts create norms, but truth creates illumination. II. How it affects dogs A. Breed specific laws butt end and punish all dogs of a par ticular breed (the guilty ones as well as the innocent). Well-behaved dogs of that particular breed are seen, classified, and treated the same as the dogs that have in fact bitten or attacked individuals. i.According to an expression run in the October edition (2009) of the Westword, a local publication in Denver, in 2006 after a one-year moratorium Denver began to again enforce the pit bull ban in 2005, causing a 77 percent increase in the number of dogs impounded in Pit Bull Row. City records show that between 2005 and 2006,1,454 pit bulls were put down, leading to the orotund pile-ups of dead dogs. ii. Unfortunately, many of these dogs were deemed pit bulls simply because the animal control officer, shelter worker, dog trainer, politician, dog owner, police officer or newspaper says they are. B.BSL doesnt acknowledge the fact that a dog of any breed can be dangerous. Furthermore, opponents of BSL have pointed out that those in charge of law enforcement do not always accurately identify breeds, and that the imposition of penalties on dogs notwithstanding as a result of breed identification can be unjust and arbitrary. i. In July of this year, after a nearly 2-year legal battle between the City Council of Belfast, Northern Ireland and dog owner Caroline Barnes, her American Bulldog / Labrador mix, Lennox, was euthanized for resembling a pit bull, which pose a threat to society. ii. As stated on latimes. om, The Belfast City Council declared Lennox had a severe personality disorder, but his owners, the Barnes family, said he was a well-handled American bulldog-Labrador cross. afterward measuring his legs and snout, dog wardens declared Lennox a possible pit bull type and in 2010 seized him under the UKs dangerous dog act. Dogs are only as good or bad as their owners III. How it affects owners A. proscription a specific breed punishes responsible dog owners who have well trained dogs of that breed, while irresponsible owners who seek a dangerous dog as a status symbol will simply read a different breed. . According to the AKC, this often leads to increased costs to the community, as many owners abandon their household pets at local shelters because they are no longer permitted to own them, or are unable to comply with the strict regulations imposed on them. ii. In many cases, the owner must subscribe between relocating to a different town or getting loose of their dog. Many of these dogs end up being housed and/or euthanized at the shelters at the taxpayers expense. iii. As reported in Canadas weekly newspaper, Macleans (2004), Experts in canine control and behavior have all said the same thing.Breed-specific bans are reactionary and ineffectual because they dont address the root of the problem fumblet owners. According to Dr. Gary Landsberg, a Thornhill, Ont. , veterinarian and president of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, pot who want to breed and/or own vicious dogs will simply turn to other breeds. It o nly takes one rotten apple to spoil the whole bunch CONCLUSION Summary Statement So now you have a general idea of what Breed Specific Legislation is. Dog attacks and bites are real problems for communities and need to be addressed.Being informed on how BSL affects both dog & owner, innocent and guilty alike, has hopefully provided you with a al-Qaeda for further exploration. Concluding Remarks Is Breed Specific Legislation the right resolvent to keep communities safe from aggressive dogs? I honestly dont know. But in closing I will say this. If those of you that resembled this man were actually detained, based solely on similar appearance, would your partners, families & friends accept it as a way to keep our community safe? You be the judge.

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